Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is coaching?
Essentially, it's a series of powerful conversations between coach and client whereby client strengths are maximized to make action plans that enable clients to not only achieve their established goals, but exceed them beyond what they initially thought was possible.
2. What can coaching do for me?
Coaching uses your strengths and skills to help you set goals and take steps to achieve or exceed each goal. It helps you take control so you can feel happy, improve your health and well-being, better handle stress and pressures, enjoy your relationships, optimally deal with serious life events, and make strong decisions in your life. You will be a healthier and happier person.
3. How do I know if coaching is for me?
Coaching may be for you if you ever feel...
1. Anxious or worried and you want more confidence and to feel some calm and peace
2. Unhappy, angry, stressed, lack direction, like you're missing something and you want to change your situation
3. That things are going well, but you want them to be fantastic
4. Uncertain and you're tired of not being in control
5. You're stuck in a rut and can't get out of it. All you know is that you want something different, you just don't see how to get there
6. You've got a good job, a nice house and you should be happy. But, your relationships are not where you'd like them to be.
If any of these statements are true (even partially) you're not alone! And, you can do something about it if you choose to. Coaching may be your answer.
4. What's the deal and how does it work?
Coaching can be done over the phone or face-to-face. It can be done with individuals, couples, families and in groups.
Basically, we talk about what is happening for you, now, and where you really want things to be. We set goals based on what you want and then take steps to make those goals happen. Along the way you learn new skills and find out how to get past barriers that hold you back from success. Coaching has a lot to do with learning to think, feel and do things differently so that significant change occurs and you become healthier and happier.
5. Say more about how Coaching happens.
Coaching sessions are generally 1 hour long, although, some couples and family sessions may be 1 hour and 15 minutes. But, if there is a time frame you prefer or that works better for you, just let me know and we can sort out a time that suits your needs.
Coaching happens in two ways: Telephone and Face-to-face. One on one sessions will primarily occur by phone from the comfort of your own home, office or wherever you are. Sessions can occur face-to-face for clients who reside in the vicinity of the Greater Toronto Area and are willing to travel to my office in Milton.
6. What if I don't like you?
My hope and intentions are that we will be a good match for each other and I will help you successfully reach your goals. If you do not feel there is a fit between us or that my style is not what you're looking for, I will do my very best to help you find another coach that better meets your needs in the ways you hard feelings!
7. What's a Free Consultation?
How often do people buy a car without having a test drive to see how it handles? Not too often, right? A Free Consultation gives you an opportunity to have a no-obligation conversation with me to find out more about coaching and how coaching can help you achieve your goals and dreams. You get to test it out, ask questions and get answers while in the comfort of your home with no risk and no expense.
Book a free consultation and let's talk about what you're looking for and how we can work together. We can discuss your options and see what fits best for you. There's no risk in having this free consultation, just a conversation and an opportunity to make life-altering changes for yourself and loved ones.
I'd love to find out what I can help you with. Call 905-749-3044 or email me for a free 30 minute consultation.